Learn how to make it through the holidays with your
waistline and sanity intact!

white ceramic mug with happy new year print

Are you ready for some holiday fun?

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    You arrive at your sister’s house for the big family Thanksgiving feast. You've prepared by fasting all day, so you're starving!

    You're greeted with hugs as you walk in the door. And then you notice something out of the corner of your eye.

    What?! No one told me Uncle Bob would be here!

    You're starving, irritated, and now you have to spend an evening with your homophobic Uncle Bob!!!

    It's too much! You feel your anxiety rising. This calls for a beer or two or three. A few deviled eggs. Some nuts. Some cheese and crackers.

    You're eating and drinking everything in sight. And you're trying to make a decision. Do I leave and save myself the trauma or do I stay and gain ten pounds so I can make it through dinner?

    This is what it's like when client's come to me. They think they're in a no-win situation, but this is never the case.

    I help you solve what's actually going on.

    Uncle Bob is not the problem. You're in a situation you don't like. You can't see a way out. This drives your anxiety through the roof, and you calm yourself down by eating and drinking.

    This is insane!

    I help you maintain your sanity, without gaining 10 pounds. How? I teach you the skills you need to show up as the powerful person you are.

    Uncle Bob is not a problem. Your anxiety is not a problem. Your gut is not in danger of exploding. There is fun to be had and you are having it!

    Ready to get started?

    What do you have to lose (besides the Holiday 10)?

    So now’s the time to decide…do you want to go through another cycle of the same old anxieties and the same old results? Or are you ready to try something new?

    This program is just for this holiday season, but what you learn will serve you for a lifetime.

    I want to add joy to as many queer lives as possible, so I’m offering this 6-week adventure at a huge discount!

    Enrollment open through November 15, so act fast!

    This 6-week 1:1 coaching program is being offered at the price of a single coaching session - $222. That's a 75% discount!

    Still not sure? No problem. This free resource will give you a taste of what's included in this program. It's called, "Top 3 ways for queer people to have a delicious, fun-filled holiday season WITHOUT gaining weight".

    Do you have specific questions?
    Click the button below to schedule a free connection call. I’ll answer your questions and we can get to know each other to make sure we’re a good fit.